A special Mass at all of the Weekend Masses February 3 & 4 The Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on February 2 which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, and the blessing of the candles are included in the liturgy. St. Blaze is February 3 in which the blessing of the throats are normally done. During next weekend Masses we will have the following blessings: There will be a blessing those that are pregnant so the child can be brought to term without difficulty and also for those who have given birth and their child in the past year. There will be a blessing over the candles that will be used in the church throughout the year. Candles will be available for your home or you can bring in your own candles to be blessed. Blessing of Throats for the Feast of St. Blaise will be after this Mass. According to the Acts, while Blaise was being taken into custody, a distraught mother, whose only child was choking on a fishbone, threw herself at his feet and implored his intercession. Touched at her grief, he offered up his prayers, and the child was cured. Consequently, Saint Blaise is invoked for protection against injuries and illnesses of the throat.