TEC is a three-day retreat weekend based on the Paschal Mystery: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our TEC Center is located north of Holy Family Church.
Retreats are open to youth and adults. Youth must be a least years old 16. Most weekends are comprised of two-thirds youths and one-third adults.
Weekends are predominantly staffed and attended by people within the Catholic Diocese of St. Cloud, although people from other areas of Minnesota, other states, and even foreign nations have attended.
Though a Catholic retreat, non-Catholics are welcome and do participate.
The three day retreat costs $95, which includes lodging and meals. A non-refundable $30 deposit is requested with the application.
Please visit their website for more information and to register.
The Ecclesia Domestica is a men's retreat involves speakers from the Ecclesia team — including the founder, Kevin Olson — plus deacons and priests. Covenant Eyes, a ministry aimed at healing pornography addiction, is also a featured presenter. Bishop John Folda from the Diocese of Fargo has also spoken at group events.
This year’s retreat theme is “St. Joseph – Man of No Return.” With St. Joseph as the model of earthly fathers and an example of fatherhood and manliness as God intends, the men who participate in Ecclesia Domestica are coming together to build up faith and brotherhood.
Please check their website for dates of the next retreat and location
This retreat has been life-changing for the men who have attended, and with that in mind, the movement has expanded to offer women’s retreats. This past February, the second annual women’s retreat was held with an overwhelmingly positive response.
To register, go to www.ecclesiadomestica.net/registration. If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call Kevin Olson at 763-807-1721. The retreat cost is $300 or $200 with a student discount
Central Minnesota Koinonia is a weekend Catholic retreat program sponsored by the St. Cloud Diocese and is designed for adults to hlep you on your family jouney. Retreats are held a the TEC Center north of Holy Family Church. Please check their website for the next retreat date, cost of the weekend is $70.00. Please visit their website for more information and to register.
2024 Retreats: “Do This in Memory of Me”
These words of Jesus take us to the supper that He shared with his disciples on the night before his death. These words remind the disciples of the great gift He gave them, which is the gift of His presence as He becomes for them the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. In this time of Eucharistic renewal and revival, we will remember that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist as the eternal sacrifice and the manna for the journey of life.
On that sacred night, the disciples remembered many things. They remembered that they were to be one as Jesus and the Father are one, that they were the branches connected to Jesus, The Vine; that whatever they did or didn’t do for the least of them, they did or didn’t do for the Lord; and that they were to forgive as the Lord has forgiven them. It is these memories that will guide our retreats for the year 2024. Please visit their website for more information and to register.
The Apostolate for Family Consecration® (AFC) supports and challenges Catholic families to grow in holiness, grow in truth, and grow together so that they can become fully alive in Christ. We offer Catholic family vacations, retreats, and resources to lead families to an encounter with Jesus and form them in the truths of our Catholic Faith. Please visit their website for more information.
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